
Register New Leads

  1. To register a new lead go to one of the following locations.
    1. Flick Office > All Lead. Click Add New.
    2. Flick Office > Create New. Select Lead.
    3. Flick Office > Web Enquiry > Convert to Lead. (Note: Only applicable for new web enquiry)

  2. You will be redirected to the Register page.
    1. General Info: Fill in the required fields with the necessary information.
    2. Admin Note/Remark: Admin can either choose to send welcome mail or nothing at all to the new contact. Choose one of the following:
      1. Do not send mail – Select if you don’t want to send any email.
      2. Send welcome mail – Write a welcome note and send it to your newly registered contact’s email address.
      3. Send Welcome & Communication preference mail – Write a welcome note and other communication preferences, instructions etc and send it to your newly registered contact’s email address.
  3. Send overdue invoice notice – Check this box to notify if your contact has any due left regarding the invoice.
  4. Click Create Lead.

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